Quick stats (24 hours after posting the Show HN):
- Unique Visitors: 17,919
- Pageviews: 33,465
- Demo word searches: 49,802
- API Users Signed Up: 124
The first page of WordsAPI has a little demo that lets you query the API directly. I thought it would be a good idea to let potential API users see exactly what the results would look like, as that's what I look for when checking out new APIs.
Here's the top 20 words that the Hacker News crowd searched for, excluding the examples listed on the page.
- test
- dog
- hand
- water
- hello
- cat
- apple
- [ a part of a male's anatomy ]
- [ a four letter swear word ]
- house
- sex
- computer
- good
- banana
- food
- fish
- poop
- word
- love
- book